
A Successful Crop: Easy Payments At Your Pop Up Farmers Market


A pop-up farmers market event is likely to draw a crowd, especially when the weather is warm or when new seasonal fruits and vegetables are being harvested. If there is often a good turn out in the towns that you travel to for farmers markets that sell fresh fruits, vegetables, homemade foods, and plants, you can make a living becoming a traveling farmers market. As the person in charge of the event set up, you will need tents, tables, chairs, and the necessary paperwork for the rental or permit to hold the market in the space.

30 July 2017

Gifts That Keep On Giving: How To Turn Your Unwanted Gift Card Into Something Better


Everyone has that one family member that likes to give gift cards. Unfortunately, these family members often miss the mark and give you gift cards to places you would never go and do not shop. As you grit your teeth, grin and graciously say thank you, your brain is already wondering what to do with this gift. Regifting it is SO rude, but what else can you do with it? Here are some ways you can transform your gift card into something even better.

22 June 2017

3 Easy Ways To Cut Your Budget


It is far too easy to overspend the money you earn and end up with nothing left at the end of the month, especially if you are living without a budget. Creating a budget might not be something you really want to do, but it is the best thing you can do if you want to save money. Once you create a budget, you can then start looking for ways to reduce it, and here are three good options you could consider for your budget.

27 April 2017

Different Kinds Of Bankruptcy


A consumer faces the need to file for bankruptcy when it is no longer possible to pay debts. While this sounds bad, there are many reasons why a person might be faced with bankruptcy besides simply mishandling money. For example, when people lose their source of income, they are no longer able to pay debts, bills, and other expenses. Whatever the reason for bankruptcy, consumers need to understand their options in order to find a solution that works.

26 February 2015